


Content Architect

Kaiser Permanente (2019 - Present)

Content Specification Program

Established content specification program to ensure alignment with content standards across product teams; initiate omnichannel content creation and delivery; and support dynamic, personalized experiences.

  • Provided specifications for the homepage and COVID-19, diabetes, maternity, and Medicare content centers.

  • Managed two team members and defined standard deliverable templates and inter-disciplinary process flowcharts.

  • Specified content models for articles, promotions, legal/regulatory content, recipes, Q&As, and glossary terms.

  • Created specification process, documentation library, and structured editorial templates for new content models.

  • Forged partnerships and defined collaboration models with product, content, design, and development teams.

  • Secured buy-in from senior leadership, communicating program’s mission, principles, and value across enterprise.

Content Creation Program

Established omnichannel content creation and delivery program with third-party editorial agency to enable automated publishing and increase content velocity, consistency, flexibility, and time-to-market.

  • Managed creation of 1,000+ individual content assets: created editorial briefs, reviewed source materials, crafted outlines, specified metadata values, wrote and reviewed drafts, consolidated clinical and legal-regulatory feedback, approved final manuscripts, and initiated the publish workflow.

  • Spearheaded pilot program with editorial agency, product team, and brand and clinical stakeholders to ensure editorial quality, clinical accuracy, and appropriate tone/voice.

  • Defined inter-disciplinary process flowchart and editorial templates to ensure consistent, quality data across teams.

Metadata Program

Established enterprise metadata program with a taxonomy of 45 metadata fields and controlled vocabularies to enable omnichannel content delivery, search optimization, personalization, and analytics.

  • Specified metadata values for new pages and completed site-wide metadata remediation of existing pages.

  • Created metadata documentation library and gathered product requirements to inform ongoing metadata revisions.

  • Defined collaboration models and standard deployment artifacts to ensure metadata alignment across experiences.

UX Writer

Kaiser Permanente (2019)

Defined standards for error message creation and management across experiences for product, UX design, and UX writing.

  • Completed cross-platform inventory and audit of 2,000+ error messages and created data structure and process for enterprise error message management.

  • Delivered design specifications and editorial standards for UX Style Guide and shipped copy for new member welcome experience on KP mobile app.

Sr. Communications Strategist

University of California, Irvine (2015 - 2019)

Emphasized youthful, quirky personality while reinforcing prestige. Highlighted students, introduced a brighter color palette, and adopted a casual yet assured tone.

  • Project lead for comprehensive website redesign, completed on-time and within budget, resulting in a record-breaking increase in applications, becoming the third most-applied-to school in the country. 

  • Created new audience-based email campaigns and print materials, becoming the most-applied-to school for California minority students and increasing out-of-state applications by 10%.

  • Streamlined production of admitted student packets to lower cost and ensure faster delivery, rewrote the offer of admission letter, and designed new print materials, increasing enrollment by 5%. 

  • Hired and supervised Marketing Communications Coordinator, responsible for social media and graphic design.

  • Represented university at national college fairs, gaining customer insights to improve promotional materials.

Communications Manager

Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (2011 - 2015)

Established ASCA as the preeminent source for ambulatory surgery center news and education and as a credible influencer of healthcare policy among federal and state legislators.

  • Redesigned ASCA website and created three microsites, increasing web traffic by 88% to 1.5 million pageviews. 

  • Brought outsourced graphic design in-house, reducing cost and enhancing brand consistency.

  • Created integrated strategic marketing plan, boosting membership, meetings attendance, and product sales. 

  • Developed new federal regulatory toolkit, resulting in a 99% industry-wide compliance rate.

  • Coordinated transformation of quarterly survey into revenue-generating electronic service.

  • Managed two weekly newsletters and introduced social media presence on multiple platforms.

Web Coordinator

American Society for Engineering Education (2009 - 2011)

Managed K-12 engineering blog, with specific outreach to women and underrepresented minority students.

  • Wrote blog content, produced student interviews, and launched Facebook page, growing to 30,000+ followers. 


Lead Organizer

Orange County Racial Justice Collaborative (2017 - 2019)

Collegiate Relations Chair

American Marketing Association, Orange County Chapter (2017 - 2018)

Vice President, Membership

Toastmasters, UCI Chapter (2016 - 2017)


Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design

University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA (2019)

Communication Studies B.A., Cum Laude

American University, Washington, DC (2011)